Governance and Leadership | Narsimha Reddy Engineering College | Best Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad

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Governance and Leadership

Governance and Leadership


Specific Responsibilities:

Reports to the Management Members (Chairman, Secretary & Correspondent and Executive Director & Treasurer) of the institute and assist them in the following functions of the institute:

  • Regulation / Monitoring
  • Development
  • Leadership

Regulation / Monitoring

One of the key responsibilities of a principal is regulation of academic, administrative and monitoring the systems, policies, procedures and overall functioning of the institute. And also fulfill the expectations of the monitoring bodies such as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Technical Education and the Affiliating University (JNTUH) along with the expectations of students and parents.

  • Monitor the function of the academic and administrative staff and see that they fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Monitor the effective teaching as prescribed in the curriculum as per the teaching / institutional methodology suggested by the UGC / JNT University / AICTE / Management.
  • Monitor procedures followed in the administration office which include admission, fee collection, attendance, recruitment, salary payments, purchases and procurements, accounts, audit and any other matters related to the administration of the institute.
  • Ensure admission of students as per the norms prescribed by JNT University and state government within the stipulated time by obtaining the approval from the appropriate authorities.
  • Monitor the procurement and purchasing of the necessary infrastructure like furniture and fittings, lab equipment, books etc.
  • Maintain the cordial relationship with the staff, students, parents and other stakeholders both directly and indirectly.
  • Arrange and participate in Board of Studies and Academic Council meetings for developing the curriculum.
  • Conduct periodic, monthly review meeting with the Deans, Head of the departments and administrative staff of the institute.
  • Takes care of HR policies of the institution side and outside the institute.

Developmental Activities

Looks after developmental activities which are important for the development of the institution.

  • Identify, contact, and recruit the right kind of the faculty members suitable for the institution by keeping in view about the future needs.
  • Identify and project the core competencies of the institution.
  • Develop the working and learning culture in the institution.
  • Establish global contacts by collaboration with industries, institutions, and research and development organizations which is aimed for improving the specific strengths of the institute.

Leadership Activities

These are most critical activities of a principal of an academic institution. By fulfilling all these activities, the principal will exhibit the true qualities of a leader by being a role model to colleagues.

  • Take-up research, publication, consultancy & training and establish credentials as academician of international standard so as to gain acceptability among all the faculty members being a true academic leader.
  • Set high standards of discipline, commitment and involvement in work pattern.
  • Inspire all colleagues towards the achievement of the goals of the institute and leading them from the forefront.
  • Inspect the departments and their functioning on day to day.

Head of Department

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Send staff attendance register after making necessary entries to the principal office by 9.40 A.M every day.
  • Allocate the courses to the faculty members well in advance by the end of previous semester and identify the course coordinators.
  • Oversee preparation of schedule of instruction in accordance with the format provided to the faculty before the commencement of class work and ensure that the information is LMS/CMS.
  • Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by the principal and inform the faculty and students at least one day before the commencement of the class work.
  • Interact with students (section wise) of their branch once in 15 days, identify the problems and find solutions in consultation with the principal.
  • Verify the student attendance registers maintained by the faculty and submit it to the Dean of Internship and Continuing Studies (ICS) / Principal for verification once in a fortnight.
  • Upload / update the Course Stack Study Material (model question papers, AAT, PPTs, lecture notes, definitions and terminology, tutorial question banks and so on) as per instructions from the principal.
  • Ensure the evaluation of CIE answer scripts booklets and AAT is completed before the dead line given by the principal.
  • Reports to the Principal regarding all the requirements of his/her department such as Faculty Member, supporting staff, equipment, books & journals, maintenance etc.
  • Look after the matter related to Teaching, Research, Publication, Innovation Real world knowledge application, Consultancy and Administrative work as per work distribution given below:
    Designation Teaching (%) Research (%) Publication (%) Innovation - real world knowledge Application / Consultancy (%) Administration (%)
    Head of the Departments 30 10 20 20 20
    Professor 30 10 20 30 10
    Associate Professor 40 15 10 25 10
    Assistant Professor 60 10 10 10 10
  • Observe the dress code among students and instruct the respective class in-charges to implement the dress code among the students.
  • Convene departmental staff meeting once in a month on the day allotted and record the minutes of the meeting.
  • Collect the early semester student feedback about the faculty member’s course wise (for all the courses taught to the students of their branch) and communicate the feedback to the concerned faculty. Communicate a copy to the principal. If any course is handled by the other department faculty, communicate one copy to the respective HOD. Guide the faculty members to improve their performance based on the feedback and also monitor whether the faculty members are improving from year/semester to year/semester.
  • Collect the OBE feedback at the end of the semester and prepare assessment.
  • Communicate the attendance particulars and internal marks of students to the concerned parents from time to time with the help of class in-charges.
  • Counsel the students who are absent for the CIE tests or irregular to the class work.
  • Form the student batches and allot the project supervisors as per guidelines given by the principal.
  • Route all the correspondence through the office of the principal.
  • Designate faculty member who will be the Head in-charge during his/her absence and make sure that all files and records are available for Head in-charge. Give contact telephone number to enable the authorities to consult them in emergency when he/she is away from headquarters.
  • Allocate the students (not more than 15) to the teacher-counselors/mentors and issue the green books in the beginning of the academic year, also see that the activity is effectively conducted.
  • Inform the concerned authorities of any important information of events taking place in the department from time to time.
  • Arrange special classes if necessary for the benefit of slow learners (below average students).
  • Ensure academic discipline in the department.
  • Follow the guidelines / instructions given by the principal from time to time.
  • Maintain and update the files as listed in the Annexure – I.
  • Make arrangements to lock all the laboratories before leaving the premises.
  • Plan and conduct the value added / skill development / workshops / seminars and so on regularly and prepare the list of students registered, attended and recorded in minutes of the meeting. Also, submit a copy of the report of the activity to the concerned members and also to the principal.
  • Submit the HOD diary to the Dean of academic audit and principal by the end of each month.
  • Ensure that e-learning resources prepared by course faculty are made available in LMS.
  • Provide necessary inputs to the principal for conducting academic council / governing Council meeting.
  • Organize an international conference on any trust area on relevant subject.

Dean of Academics

Major Responsibilities:
  • Implementation of decisions taken on academic matters by the academic council.
  • Conduct academic council meetings once in every quarter.
  • Receive, process and maintain all records related UG/PG programmes including curicullam, courses offered and course registrations.
  • Prepare academic calender, timetables, green books, student handbook and class incharge diary.
  • Oversee development of class schedules, class room and faculty assignments teaching & laboratory workloads.
  • Monitors, reviews and resolves faculty workload issues.
  • Works closely with Deans, HOD’s and professors of various departments on the student’s requirements and also ensures the resources are available at the beginning of semester.
  • Maintain and supervise course syllabi updation for academic course offerings.
  • Establishment and maintain evaluation system for all academic programs including oversight of process (assessment process, data collection and analysis, revision of academic program) and use of assessed results to improve student learning.
  • Identification and allocation of duties to course coordinators, laboratory coordinators and class in-charges.
  • Collect, interpret and present feedback on faculty, Course Outcome Based Education (OBE), Student exit survey and initiate the remedial actions in consultation with HOD’s.
  • Identify and communicate Accerlerated / Honours / Minor courses to the students atleast 15 days before the end of previous semester.
  • Oversee the review and resolution of students complaints regarding academic issues.

Dean of Student Affairs

Major Responsibilities:
  • The resolution of conflict between students and halls and hostels of residence as well as conflicts involving students outside of halls and hostels
  • Making representation to the College about ways of enhancing the quality of student's life
  • Ensuring that maintenance of cordial relations among the various student groups and the student body as a whole, to ensure that they obtain maximum benefit from their College experience.
  • Ensuring the orderly organisation of student's activities within the College
  • Overseeing the formation of students associations;
  • Working with student groups and the Sports Directorate in developing extra-curricular programmes and activities of the College
  • Co-ordinating with the groups to encourage the participation of students in the activities that promote personal growth and development of students;
  • Encouraging the development of a student culture that encourages exercise of leadership, respect for diversity and the traditions of the College, and responsibility for personal actions;

Dean of Research and Development (R&D)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Establishment and promotion of excellence in the institute’s research and development.
  • Prepare policies, procedures and guidelines relating to research and development.
  • Development and enhancement of the institute’s research capacities.
  • Motivate faculty to pursue research in their respective areas of expertise.
  • Development of infrastructure conducive for promoting the quality and quantity of research and development.
  • Monitor the research funds to ensure that the funds are properly and formally accounted.
  • Promoting emerging areas of research and development.
  • Foster the development of multi-disciplinary research endeavors across faculties and departments.
  • Monitor and enhance the quality of research centers, projects and research infrastructure within institute, including the training of research scholars.
  • Promote strategic, durable partnerships and develop funding solutions with industries and research institutions for steering, funding and cooperation.
  • Monitor the research and development performance of faculty to encourage excellence and productivity through maintaining a database of research and development activities.
  • Maintain research audit PASS (Performance Appraisal Scoring System) forms for every Quad of the year.
  • Details of research projects and proposals (submitted / ongoing / completed).
  • Record of research supervisors and scholars.
  • Submission utilization certificates of all funded projects/schemes in time.
  • Record of consultancy and IPR.

Dean of Internal Quality Assurance Center (IQAC)

The IQAC will be the internal mechanism for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the institute. It will be a facilitative and participative body, for assuring in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality. Its initiatives will be directed towards future and will rely on the transformation model of change by creating the necessary ecosystem.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Ensure the mission and vison statements of the institute are properly addressed by professors and other faculty.
  • Coordinate the timely and efficient execution of the decisions of IQAC committee.
  • Develop parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Ensure that academic standards are being met seeking to the satisfaction of accreditation requirements.
  • Coordinate in preparation of the Report to be submitted to accreditation body based on the quality parameters.
  • Ensure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Directs the development of short- and long-range plans for all academic and students affair functions.
  • Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
  • Documentation of the various programmes/activities for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality.
  • Facilitate the development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters/templates for the various academic activities of the institute and compile these in to a quality manual.
  • Coordinate in preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
  • Submit the Data Capturing System (DCS) for National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) and other Ratings.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
  • Prepare the activity calendar of the institute based on the individual plans submitted by departments.
  • Examine and scrutinize the annual budget of the institute and make suggestions, recommendations to the governing body.
  • Verify and comment monthly reports submitted by Hod’s and Deans.

Dean of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Planning and providing the access to ICT studio for faculty to create E-Learning readiness videos.
  • Prepare a plan of action to complete the E-Learning readiness videos for all the courses.
  • Ensure the quality of E-Learning readiness videos and add the value by promoting through online learning portals.
  • Enhance the quality of presentations by adopting new methods for making PowerPoint presentations.
  • Monitor and update the Learning Management System (LMS) portal on regular basis to improve the flexibility to viewers.
  • Design and implement web-based tools to increase overall student engagement, persistence and success.
  • Improve and stabilise LMS E-Learning and E-Library platforms to support blended E-Learning.
  • Provide training, & demos videos to faculty and students on how to use ICT equipment.
  • Broaden the ICT service delivery to external stakeholders to generate revenue.


Administrative Officer

Major Responsibilities:
  • Takes care of student scholarships/fee reimbursement (fresh/renewals) of students belonging to SC/ST/BC/EBC/minority/disabled categories scholarships.
  • Maintains the Faculty Member leave records like casual leave, vacation, on duty & permission.
  • Acts as a Coordinator for all the activities relating to the maintenance of the institute.
  • Takes care of HR policies of the institution side and outside the institute.
  • Conducts interview as per HODs requirement with institute / university constituted selection committee support.
  • Takes care of all admission approval procedure and communicating with university/technical/higher/govt. in person.


Major Responsibilities:
  • Maintains Teaching and Non-Teaching attendance.
  • Maintains personal files, service books, Leave records, vacation/detention records of teaching staff, non teaching& administration staff.
  • Staff requirement / selection / appointment, University SCM etc.
  • Correspondence with University, Government, DTE, AICTE etc. regarding establishment.
  • Issue of Increment to teaching & non-teaching staff.
  • Earned Leave, Medical Leave, Visiting faculty, On duty, Office Orders (faculty & students), experience/service certificate, circulars & notice etc of staff.
  • Maintains confidential report of teaching/non teaching staff increments & its correspondence.
  • Fulfillment of Statutory Requirement EPF, ST, eTDS Etc.

Physical Education Director

Major Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for all the activities related to the Physical Education.
  • Arranges a physical fitness camp for the students and staff.
  • Responsible for procurements, maintenance of sports goods, play fields and other items related to the Physical Education.
  • Coordinates Intra College and Inter College, Inter University and Inter State competition for different sports.
  • Acts as in charge for Gate Entry of students, teaching & non-teaching members and any other contract workers inside the campus.
  • Monitors Material movement in and out of the premises.
  • In charge for monitoring the persons inside the campus; verifying the ID Cards.
  • Issues the Visitor ID and collects the required data from the visitor.