ECE Labs || Narsimha Reddy Engineering College(NRCM) || Best UGC Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad

ECE Labs

ECE Laboratories


The ECE department has a separate block with ten laboratories. The total amount spent to establish all the laboratories is about one hundred lack rupees. The department has 12 classrooms equipped with overhead projectors and LCD projectors. The department also has 3 CD writers, one scanner, 3 printers, 150 computer systems that are networked. For departmental work, 5 systems with CD writer and Net facilities are provided in HOD's room. The classrooms are well ventilated and furnished with black board, white screen and overhead projector. Departmental library, Seminar Hall & one common Hall on each floor of the building are the highlights of the department.

List of Laboratories : Click here 

During the last 5 (Five) years, the department has developed the complete infrastructure required for conducting regular theory classes and laboratories for practicals related to B.Tech & M.Tech program. The department has spent a substantial amount for procuring useful software packages such as VHDL, XILINX, MATLAB, P-SPICE & KIEL software etc. Communication laboratory is quite well-equipped with six microwave benches, optical communication trainer kits, Digital & Analog Communication trainer kits, storage oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer (500MHz) etc. With sufficient trainer kits and software packages in Microprocessor & Micro controller laboratory, the ECE department conducted 10 workshops in different fields. The well-established Electronic Computer Aided Design (ECAD) laboratory facilitated in organizing a workshop on VLSI design. The following laboratories are established and are well equipped as per the curriculum requirements.

The laboratory is well equipped with different modulation and demodulation kits such as AM, FM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, and TDM etc. Also the above experiments have been simulated using “MATLAB Version 7.6”. The lab is also equipped with a Spectrum analyzer, Digital storage oscilloscopes of 40 MHz, 4 channel 60MHz Digital storage oscilloscopes. 

The laboratory consists of about 30 experimental trainer kits on linear and digital IC Applications. Apart from this, the lab has an IC tester, Bread Board trainer kits, 20MHz CRO's and Function Generators. The lab caters to the needs of all branches of the institution

The Laboratory is well equipped with sufficient number of Function & signal Generators, CRO's, Regulated power supplies, bread boards, digital multimeters and Decade resistance, capacitance and Inductance boxes etc. for the students to conduct experiments based on topics like Multivibrators, Schmitt trigger, logic gates, Flip-Flops, Linear & Non linear wave shaping, sweep circuits, combinational circuits, and relaxation oscillator. The Lab is also equipped with different kits to study and analyze the experiments on above topics.

The laboratory has been established to satisfy the needs in the area of microprocessors & Micro controllers focusing on embedded systems. The Lab has 30 micro controller trainer kits, 15 microprocessor trainer kits and 20 micro controller development board sets. In addition to these a wide range of micro controllers and microprocessors are available for experiments and project work. Further smart card development kits, wireless application Modules and RFID development kits are also available. In addition to these there are 30 networked computer systems with latest configuration. For demonstration and explanation of the experiments an LCD projector is fixed. A 7.50 KVA UPS is available for un interrupted power.

This laboratory is well equipped with 4 Reflex Klystron test benches, 4 Gunn Oscillators test benches with different kinds of loads. It also consists of 8 VSWR meters, 6 CROs, 7 fiber optic trainer kits for determining the characteristics of LED, LASER and photo detector. Microwave antennas like Pyramidal horn, E-Plane and H-Plane sectoral horns are also available. The lab has a number of digital communication trainer kits such as ASK, FSK, PSK, PCM and DPCM etc. The lab also consists of 30 MHz CROs, 4 Channel 60 MHz Digital storage oscilloscopes and 3MHz Function generators.

In this laboratory, the students are trained to design various electronic circuits like power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, regulators, oscillators, feedback amplifiers using Multisim software and hardware trainer kits. The lab has TINA software for conducting software experiments and hardware trainer kits, CRO’s, DC power supplies, Function Generators, Multimeters for conducting hardware experiments. The lab is equipped with 30 number of computer systems with online UPS which are networked.

ECAD & VLSI lab is established in the year 2009 and is equipped with sufficient number of systems with online UPS and networking. The ECAD &VLSI lab is utilized by ECE students. The lab is set up according to the standards set by JNTUH. The lab has sufficient soft ware such as Active HDL (30 user keys) ,Xilinx Universal trainer unit, FPGA module, simplify pro, synthesis tool (2user key),VLSI design suit consisting of universal base unit, XILINX CPLD module .Recently, The ECAD & VLSI lab is updated with the new software and Hardware i.e XILINX system Edition(perpetual) 25 users, Spartan 6E board with cable (7boards) .Mentor HEP 1 and HEP 2 Category software with30 users.

This laboratory is equipped with Texas manufactured DSP starter kits with the core processor being TMS320C6714. This lab exposes the aspects of Digital Signal Processing. Many of the algorithms and filter designing related to DSP are implemented in MATLAB software, Code Composer Studio ( Full Version) and using TMS320C6714 DSP processor.

It is the basic laboratory and in this laboratory, the students are trained to design various electronic circuits like diodes, transistors, amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, regulators, oscillators, using hardware trainer kits

BS Lab has been established in the year 2010 caters the need of II year UG students. This lab has sufficient number of systems with networking to implement the basic concepts in the area of signal and systems using MATLAB software.

Department Labs - Photo Gallery

R&D LABs: - Photo Gallery

R&D lab has been advancing information technology through research in hardware as well as software services and providing leadership by delivering innovations to new technology. This lab is focused on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), Embedded Systems (ES). Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Digital Image Processing (DIP) projects in exploratory & applied research.