HOD ECE || Narsimha Reddy Engineering College(NRCM) || Best UGC Autonomous Engineering College, Hyderabad

About HOD

Dr. K Purushotham Prasad B.Tech,M.Tech, Ph.D.,

Welcome to Our Department


Dr K. Purushotham Prasad working as Professor & HOD in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Narasimha Reddy Engineering College, (UGC Autonomous) Hyderabad. He obtained his Ph. D degree from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati in Electronics and Communication Engineering for his research on the topic “EFFICIENT TECHNIQUES FOR DENOISING AND CLASSIFICATION OF FETAL ECG SIGNALS”. He completed B. Tech in 2003 and M. Tech in 2006from JNTU Hyderabad.  

Dr K. Purushotham Prasad has vast experience in teaching and published nearly 20 papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals and 8 International Conferences and National Conferences. He authored 3 Text Books and 1 Patent. He is the life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and member of Institute For Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP).  


Dear parents and Students,

Thank you for showing your interest in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. I hope you enjoy reading about the exciting things that have been happening recently in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

The people across the world are able to connect in no time because of fast growth in this field. This field of engineering and technology has major contribution to the society which we are enjoying and witnessing today. This importance makes Electronics and Communication Engineering branch to stay ever green on top of all other Engineering braches as well.

This course of engineering covers the major fields of electronics like Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, VLSI Technology Design, Microprocessor and Micro controllers, Microwave Engineering, RADARs, Digital Communication, Satellite Communication, and Mobile Communication apart from basic subjects.

My sincere thanks to the management, Managing Director, Principal, all my faculty members and all my students for supporting me at every point to keep the department in high esteem.

-Dr. K Purushotham Prasad